Courses are delivered using a well-planned ten-week syllabus that all the coaches use, this allows each coach to deliver creative sessions in passing, dribbling, shooting, goalkeeping, turning etc. All of our sessions allow for one ball per child, our weekly topics enable the children to have hundreds of touches of the ball to aid their confidence in being comfortable with a ball at their feet.
After School Multi-Sport delivers at least five different sports in a ten-week period. Children have the opportunity to learn and develop in Basketball, Tennis, Cricket, Hockey, Netball, Dodgeball and more.
School PE follows the PE curriculum, coaches are supported in their delivery and are observed regularly to ensure they are delivering what meets the requirements and more. PE can form part of the Schools PPA requirements or use the Schools Sports Premium. We also deliver CPD to support and develop teaching staff in improved PE delivery.
Holiday Camps are often fully booked and provide lots of fun for the children and peace of mind for the parents that their children are being cared for and having a great time whilst also getting plenty of exercise. Children can choose between taking part in all-day football or trying two/three different sports daily in Multi-Sport. On top of this, they also get the opportunity to win daily/weekly prizes, all children go home on Friday with a certificate of attendance and an award.